My Pillars of Strength
1 year ago

“When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us” -Helen Keller.

When my life was quickly falling out of my hands and reality wasn’t within reach, I felt helpless and it's lingering till now. I tried different solutions and ended up with the word “study”. 

It all began around six months ago, a turning point of my life when all things changed suddenly for me. I remember that darkest day of my life when my mother and I came to know that my father had lung cancer. That day we were totally broken down; it was a shock beyond imagination. We couldn’t believe it was true because my father is this person who neither drinks alcohol nor smokes. However, I tried a lot to control my tears in front of my father and as a result, I failed. It was not long before my father read the sorrow through our teary eyes and came to know about his illness. That day he told me, “Daughter, you must know you are the eldest one and also the one who will look after the family and specially, your younger brother”. As my father uttered those words, I felt completely shattered and started questioning my fate, “Why always me God?”. Alongside, different problems were bouncing continuously at our door, and the major problem was the financial crisis with zero source of income. Those were the hard times when I realized the ironies of life.

Time, it is a beautiful teacher I have learned. It filters out the extras from our life, including humans, when we are suffering, because that is when you get to see the real colors of humans. I have come across three kinds of people: the ones who see you and your family in pain and run away from it, despites the fact that they are a part of your family and have the ability to support you in all ways.  Then there is another category of people who have nothing to do with you and your family, but they just want to cling on all the time and express their unwanted sympathy. I try to liberate me and my family from such people because they are so horribly toxic.  Then lastly comes those, who are kind hearted, selfless and though they have no direct relation with you, they are always ready to help you no matter how bad their own condition is. These are the kind of people the world needs, these are the ones I value the most. These are the kind of people who give me constant hope and strength to always look at the good in life. They are proof that the world is a great place to be in and that good people exist.  

With all these issues I am going through in life, I always believe in and follow the great motivator of my life, my mom. She is the one who never gives up on any toughest situations of life. I truly salute my mom for being such a remarkable example of a superwoman. She has always taught me to follow three simple principles in life - be optimistic, take risks and always look “ahead” and focus on goals. 

Another pillar of strength is my father, “my baba”, he has taught me that no matter what life throws at you, you must face it with a smile on your face and conquer the obstacles of life. I find it a real blessing to have such a warrior mom and dad. For all the strength I have in myself, I thank them.

From the instances that I have come through, I have learnt that we must always welcome tomorrow with hope and not hang around to our past. Therefore, I am looking forward to my life with great hope and pursuing a bachelor's degree in hospitality management with the aspiration of becoming an independent, kind and responsible human being.  With all the support and strength from my parents and other good people around me, I reckon that I will achieve everything I want in life and make them proud one day.